In order that the aforementioned aims can be achieved, courses are given to flexible classes attended by a restricted number of 6-8 persons. Individualized teaching and constant evaluation allows higher and faster effectiveness, while the method that we use is based by 30% on structural approach and by 70% on communicative approach.

By the term communicative approach we mean an open, interactive and creative approach of the English language through which the student develops his lingual ability being in everyday contact with texts from various communicative sources while his is impelled to a constant speaking and writing productivity.

By the term structural approach we mean a programmed approach using as a tool the book of teaching. Here the skills that a student must develop such as spelling, reading, comprehension, speaking and writing are taught separately while we analyze their rules and principles.

Παιχνίδια μέσα στην τάξη

Παιχνίδια μέσα στην τάξη, Έλενα Γαρέζου, Ε' Δημοτικού

Η κυρία Μπόννη Μπαρδάκα με μαθητές/τριες Level 200Η κυρία Μπόννη Μπαρδάκα με μαθητές/τριες Level 200