English language Courses’ studies program, which arises from our general philosophy to treat English language as a cultural event, has 4 main aims that interconnect and interact in every level of English teaching:

  1. get students to love English language from the start of their studies,
  2. get them to conquer English language as far as understanding and correct use of writing and speaking are concerned,
  3. get them to come in contact with the best existing works in modern and classic British and American literature,
  4. put them in contact with British and American culture.

Κατσικοπούλου Μυρτώ, Profieciency (Γ΄Γυμνασίου)Κατσικοπούλου Μυρτώ, Profieciency (Γ΄Γυμνασίου)

Τσανγκ Μαρία, Proficiency, (Γ' Γυμνασίου)Τσανγκ Μαρία, Proficiency, (Γ' Γυμνασίου)